Michael Chatman launched #WhyiGive on Twitter in April of 2010, to inspire philanthropy and generous living. #WhyiGive is now recognized as an international voice and connective node within a global network in philanthropy. The live chat convenes philanthropists, generous givers and philanthropy professionals from across the globe to share messages that encourage charitable giving.

Every Tuesday, Michael inspires philanthropy by encouraging people to answer the question #WhyiGive. The participants type their responses using their Twitter accounts. Philanthropists join the conversation by using the hashtag #WhyiGive to chime in with answers as well. #WhyiGive is the largest online community for philanthropists on Twitter reaching over 2.5 million twitter accounts each week. The mission of #WhyiGive is to inspire philanthropy and generosity.

How does #WhyiGive work?

You must have a Twitter account to participate. The chat takes place every Tuesday night from 8-9pm EST. Participants use tchat.io or twubs.com or simply use the Twitter account to follow the conversation using the hashtag #WhyiGive.

Who can be a special guest on #WhyiGive?

A philanthropist is someone who gives anything – time, money, experience and skills – in any amount to create a better world. If that definition describes you, you are eligible to be a special guest on #WhyiGive. This chat is focused on educating our philanthropic community. Expert guests have included best-selling authors, foundation executives, humanitarians, nonprofit leaders, college professors and philanthropy thought leaders. #WhyiGive guests are booked two months in advance. Once your topic is selected, you will be required to submit 12 questions and answers in paragraph form to demonstrate your expertise.Find out how to submit your information to be considered as a guest on #WhyiGive.

How can my company sponsor #WhyiGive?

We invite brands to sponsor #WhyiGive for one week, one month or three months. We allow brand managers to work with us on the topic or suggest someone to be a guest. Or you may sponsor the chat with a pre-selected guest. As part of your sponsorship, you will receive four branded tweets during the show with links to a special offer or promotion. If your company is interested in sponsoring #whyigive please contact [email protected] for details.

Is there a transcript of #WhyiGive?

Every Wednesday morning on Michael’s blog, a complete Q&A interview from each #WhyiGive is posted as a recap. Information on the topic and each week’s guest can be found by following @michaelchatman and @whyigivechat on Twitter.